While baseball is King at our house, we really love all sports. As a matter of fact there are very few sports that at least one of my kids doesn’t participate in. After taking the fall off from playing soccer, Callahan, my youngest, started back up this spring. I have a love/hate relationship with Spring soccer. While it can be beautiful outside, the reality is that it is usually cold and rainy. At least for the regular season. Once the tournaments roll around in May, we have been fortunate over the years to have nice weather most of the time.
We usually always play in the Whirlwind Tournament locally here in Marion which is nice. But my favorite is the Spring Classic in Perryville, Missouri. It is always Mother’s Day weekend. At first I couldn’t believe that they would actually be playing on Mother’s Day, but I’ve come to enjoy it.
The soccer complex in Perryville is such a nice facility. You can tell it was well thought out. There are lots of fields, nice grassy areas and a pavilion with concessions, bathrooms and awards area. They even built in a nice landscaped area for each team to do their own awards presentation. It is out of the main traffic flow of the pavilion and has a great set up for team pictures.
I didn’t get any good pictures at our Marion tournament because I went straight from photographing a recipe to the soccer field and forgot to change lenses. All of these pictures are from the Perryville tournament. Our team won the 3rd/4th grade division. We came back to beat a really good team that had beat us the first day of the tournament for the championship. This was the last tournament we played in this spring and what better way to go out than with a championship win!